Monday, June 21, 2010

AMD vs. Intel 10 pge. paper

The claim that I make here, is that, I believe that AMD is better than Intel. Yes some say otherwise, but I think not. The reason is that, for one, AMD tends to be cheaper and more budget friendly. Intel on the other isn't budget friendly, but you might be able to get a faster CPU which means a central processing unit. With AMD here being more budget friendly, you could over clock a lower grade CPU and get the same speed as an upgraded one from Intel. After you over clock the CPU, that can generate a ton of heat. More heat can mean more problems with the inside parts of the computer down the road. That is why it is not recommended to do this, but most people end up doing this. Both AMD and Intel have tried to keep the heat down, but AMD is making for better strides in this. AMD also, for a good bit of time, had CPUs that could support more than one video card. That means duel screening and more help to people who game and need the extra screen for work. However, just recently, Intel caught up with them. That said though, Intel will make errors at the beginning of this. That is why I think AMD is better than Intel.

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