Wednesday, July 7, 2010

ProcessAnalysis - Directional - 10th

Making a good wrap to eat can either be easy or difficult, depending on what you put in it. For me, this comes easy as long as I have everything I need to make it. Normally what I need to make a good wrap is: a whole wheat tortilla, rotisserie chicken slices from the deli, pepper jack cheese, some mayonnaise, and mustard. If the avocado is in season, I would add that with black olives. To make this wrap, first warm up the whole wheat tortilla in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Then once it is done warming up, add some mayonnaise and a good bit of mustard. After you do that, add the rotisserie chicken slices, which I put four to five on the wrap. Then I put a whole bunch of avocado and black olives on it. Once done, I put the pepper jack cheese on it and microwave it once more for about 15 seconds or until the cheese melts. Roll the tortilla up, enjoy this yummy wrap, and don’t forget to put up anything you used to make this.

Blog 9 Examples of Senses

"Bombs Bursting in Air"
1.) My arm rests around Maddie's shoulders - touch
2.) Stroking her hair - touch
3.) Bumped her head sledding - touch
4.) Dressed in her blue princess costume - sight
5.) Friend's sister was arrested - sight
6.) Shot himself in the woods - hearing
7.) Curve too fast and crashed - hearing
8.) Teacher's draw diagrams of Saturn - sight
9.) Sat by his bed holding his hand - touch
10.) Laughing again and talking of ordinary things - hearing

1.) Windows in the bedroom were still leaking - sight
2.) My hair was turning gray - sight
3.) The house needed paint - sight
4.) Took up playing my flute again - touch
5.) The uneven vibrations screeched through the house - hearing
6.) My refrigerator conked out - hearing
7.) Root-canal work in my right tooth - hearing
8.) Car broke down - touch/feeling
9.) Clothes were dirty all over again the following Friday - sight
10.) Son's sneakers were developing holes - sight

Blog 8 Once More to the Lake

1.) Cold of the sea water - touch
2.) Wet woods whose scent entered through the screen - smell
3.) Felt the same damp moss - touch
4.) The small waves - sight
5.) The dried blood from yesterday's catch - sight
6.) Strong following breeze - touch
7.) Bedroom smelled of the lumber - smell
8.) Shouts and cries of the other campers - hearing
9.) A curious darkening of the sky - sight
10.) He pulled his dripping trunks from the line - sight

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Do You Handle Opposition

I have handled opposition a couple of times in my life, like the time I went to pick up an application at a job that was hiring. I went in thinking what a nice place to work, everyone is friendly here. When I went to the manager and asked for an application, he told me to wait three or four more years then ask. He didn’t give me a chance to say that I was old enough to work there. I handle the situation like the little girl from, The Fourth of July, where she wanted to come out and say something, but couldn’t. In many ways, I could see where the manager was coming from due to the fact I don’t look my age. That, however, gave him no reason to turn away from someone who was willing to work. I had an “…aspirational capital…” (“PSST Human Capital”) meaning I had the ambition to achieve something, like working, but I was wrongfully denied it. I have come to learn people judge by how you look more than how you present yourself. For example, you could be 25 yrs old and go to a bar in which you are kicked out because you looked like your only 17 yrs old. That is why I have come to combat opposition by speaking up and making sure my voice is heard.

Monday, June 21, 2010

AMD vs. Intel 10 pge. paper

The claim that I make here, is that, I believe that AMD is better than Intel. Yes some say otherwise, but I think not. The reason is that, for one, AMD tends to be cheaper and more budget friendly. Intel on the other isn't budget friendly, but you might be able to get a faster CPU which means a central processing unit. With AMD here being more budget friendly, you could over clock a lower grade CPU and get the same speed as an upgraded one from Intel. After you over clock the CPU, that can generate a ton of heat. More heat can mean more problems with the inside parts of the computer down the road. That is why it is not recommended to do this, but most people end up doing this. Both AMD and Intel have tried to keep the heat down, but AMD is making for better strides in this. AMD also, for a good bit of time, had CPUs that could support more than one video card. That means duel screening and more help to people who game and need the extra screen for work. However, just recently, Intel caught up with them. That said though, Intel will make errors at the beginning of this. That is why I think AMD is better than Intel.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rebuttle of Pics Which Is More Showy?

I think the lady on bottom is showing more due to the fact she is wearing a black mini skirt and a purple bra looking top on. I wouldn't call her sexy or anything, I would mainly say she is ugly in the sense because she doesn't need to be wearing those clothes. In truth, she definitely needs a new wardrobe if she is going into Wall-Mart like that... Specially seeing some guys won't come up to her looking the way she does. On the other hand, the lady on top is a tad more covered, but nearly in the same predicament the bottom lady is in.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on flights

The claim I would make on this article is the fact of Civil Liberties are at play. We, as American citizens, should be able to do what we want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. On flights this should apply as well. All flight attendants, however, have the basic rights as well. Doesn’t mean they should gripe on someone else because that would infringe on their Civil Liberties. Just like most people say, don't look at something that you absolutely don't want to look at. If you were to censor the internet, which is bad in my opinion, people will just bring a movie that has it on there. Then this will get back to affecting those around them and the flight attendants themselves. So really, don’t bring it unless you really want to look at it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Black Men and Public Spaces" pg 412 Longman

Most of the time, people are generally nice and easy going. When you are in the bad side of town, however, that is a rarity. Just like the poor soul that wrote this story. He, just like some, was being the target of racial profiling due to their race or religion. Many people do this because of what has happened to them or what they hear on the news. It seems most people who are racially discriminated against are the blacks and some of the time they are used as the "scapegoats" in society, which isn't always the case. You could have an Asian male be the instigator of the crime, but the black male is sought after by police instead of the Asian male. He is more of the victim in this case than anyone else. He is just like the honey that a bear would seek out, instead of the other way around. This is why I make the claim that racial profiling should stop today. I know that can be tough and difficult process, but we got over slavery, didn’t we? So why not stop and help your fellow man out to stop this discrimination towards others.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rough Rough Draft For Problem Solving Paper

The oil spill in the gulf brings questions to my mind about how will this affect the local fishermen, their communities, the economics, and the animals involved. First off, the fishermen that fish in the gulf rely on that for the income to support their families and to bring fresh fish to their local markets. For most families wanting local caught fish, they will see a huge increase in the price of the fish that can be bought in the store and in the restaurants. That would have the local economies, somewhat, spiral downward. That right now with our national economy doing poorly, this would bring even more hardship for most people. In which, also, will lead to fish populations decreasing more and that would lead to mass extinctions of several fish. The fish in this case are not the only animals involved here. The birds that eat off the fish would begin to die off because there would not be enough fish for the birds to eat nor the fishermen to catch. In which, that would upset the natural balance of life. That is why I would like to propose this be looked into further and how this would affect the next generation, because what would life be like without the diverse and wide variety of animals? Plus, what will local fishermen do without this?